jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

La mayoría de los estadounidenses quiere que GM quiebre

En gran mayoría los republicanos e independientes desean que la General Motors se vaya directamente a la quiebra antes de ser "salvada". http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/general_business/48_say_failure_of_gm_best_for_the_economy
Importente, no?. Además, el 46% se opone a un salvataje a los 3 grandes de Detroit.
Les dejo parte de la encuesta realizada por Rasmussen Reports.

"Nearly half of U.S. voters (48%) say it is better for the economy to let companies like General Motors fail rather than providing government subsidies to keep them in business.Thirty-five percent (35%) believe it’s better to subsidize their continued existence, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Seventeen percent (17%) are undecided.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Republicans and 60% of unaffiliated voters say it’s better to let troubled companies like GM fail, compared to 26% of Democrats. Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats think it’s better to subsidize them, but just one-quarter of GOP and unaffiliated voters agree.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of investors say it is better to let companies like GM fail, compared to 38% of non-investors.
In a survey last week, 46% of Americans opposed a government bailout for the Big Three automakers.
Just 28% say the best course for the U.S. economy is for Congress now to pass a new economic stimulus plan that includes money for the financially stumbling Big Three automakers. The House and Senate came back into session this week to consider such a plan, but additional aid for the automakers appears unlikely.
Another 27% say Congress should wait on any economic stimulus plan until Barack Obama becomes president on January 20. At that time, the Democrats, who generally support an auto bailout, also will have larger majorities in both bodies of Congress.
But a plurality (39%) think it would be best for the economy if Congress didn’t pass any more economic stimulus plans at all. Six percent (6%) aren’t sure which course is best for Congress to follow.
Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans – and 51% of unaffiliateds - oppose any further stimulus plans, but only 13% of Democrats agree. Forty percent (40%) of Democratic voters say Congress should pass one now, while 41% want to wait until Obama is in the White House".

4 comentarios:

Marta Salazar dijo...


Darío dijo...

A mí me parece perfecto que así lo quieran.

Martín Benegas dijo...

me parece genial que no quieran solventar con sus impuestos las malas desiciones empresariales, allá tienen la conciencia que la plata que malgasta el estado es plata que le roban a quienes trabajan y producen no como acá que pareciera que el estado es un pozo sin fondo de donde mágicamente surge la guita.
Muy buen blog te agregue al blogroll

Darío dijo...

Gracias, ahora argego el tuyo.